No to torture & Shut Down Guantanemo - Forum & meeting January 3

This January the world needs to see that the people of this country rise to say NO to torture.

Torture is a crime against humanity.

Torture is an impeachable offense, ordered by the White House and still being sanctioned by Congress.

We won't live in a torture state!

Come learn more and plan/mobilize:

Thursday, January 3, 6:30 PM

MLK Labor Center/1199
310 West 43rd St, 7th Floor
between 8th and 9th Avenues

Featuring the 30 minute section of the Bush Crimes Commission Hearings on Torture and Illegal Detection and speaker from American Civil Liberties Union on torture

Followed by discussion and planning for:

January 11th, day of national actions against torture and to shut down Quantanamo:

  • Mobilizing people to travel to
    Washington, DC for actions at Supreme Court.

  • Mobilizing youth and students -- plans for mass wearing of orange in school, teach-ins and assemblies with expert speakers on torture.

  • Mobilizing schools, churches, community centers, tenants organizations, etc. to display giant orange banners declaring: "No torture".

Looking towards January 31st - National day of actions to Drive Out the Bush Regime and beyond:

Bush & Company have been caught red-handed lying, torturing, and covering it up. Their "justifications" to expand their wars into Iran have been shown to be lies, as reported by their own "National Intelligence Estimate". People are shocked and outraged. Yet the crimes continue. Official politics have proven to be a disaster. Your government does not want you want and it is becoming clear that the Democratic nominee of 2008 will not speak for us. January 31st will be the last time to mobilize people to act to DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME before the nominees are selected on "Super Tuesday". [for more analysis, read new national January statement by World Can't Wait.]

Bring your questions, bring your determination to bring to a halt this crime against humanity being done in our name, bring your ideas and creativity!

See you then!

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